“You’ll see, things are quite different here.” – The House with a Clock in Its Walls

The House with the clock in its wallsWOW! What a C R E E P Y movie!

When we started seeing the previews for this movie, I thought it looked a little scary. In the trailer, the jack-o-lanterns come to life, and I have to admit, they are creepy. But I thought, I’m sure that is the worst thing in this movie, I’m sure that is the scariest part.

Now, after seeing the movie I realize, the jack-o-lanterns coming to life, with their vicious teeth, is the LEAST SCARY part of the movie.

Here is the synopsis from the Web:

Ten-year-old Lewis goes to live with his oddball uncle in a creaky old house that contains a mysterious `tick tock’ noise. He soon learns that Uncle Jonathan and his feisty neighbour, Mrs Zimmerman, are powerful practitioners of the magic arts. When Lewis accidentally awakens the dead, the town’s sleepy facade suddenly springs to life, revealing a secret and dangerous world of witches, warlocks and deadly curses.

If you haven’t heard anything about this movie, watch the trailer below!

I really can’t believe this movie is rated PG. That means, like I thought, that it is appropriate for little kids.


I am so glad I didn’t take my seven year old to see this movie!

Here is what happened…

My husband took my eleven year old son to see the movie, they ended up leaving about 40 mins into the film because my son was so creeped out. When I asked him about it later that night he said it was scary. My thoughts were, how could a rated PG movie be that scary?

I had to see for myself.

So the next day I dragged all three of them, my husband and eleven year old, back to see it again. Surly he could watch it!


He left at the same part, at 40 mins in, because IT IS SCARY. When they started to bring a dead “bad” man back from the DEAD, it was time for him to leave. He sat in the hallway for the rest of the movie so I could finish it.

Have you seen Goosebumps? This movie has a Goosebumps feel to it. The movie is made to be scary and make you jump at every corner.

Think horror movie for kids.

What is scariest about this movie is the dark magic and demonic images.

Here are some of the creepy things you will see in the movie:

Creepy warlocks, witches, devils, clowns, dead dolls, skeletons, bones, paintings, pictures of demons, a real demon from hell, a real gross dead guy, demonic pictures, puppets, jack-o-lanterns, even the books attack…OH MY GOSH I could go on and on. Basically every creepy thing ever imagined is in this movie.

There were some things I liked as an adult watching the movie. Cate Blanchett is amazing as usual. The sound effects were incredible, and I really enjoyed the special effects as well. The story line carries, and the message (though not prevalent) is to embrace your weirdness and be yourself.

There is a time and a place for this movie. I think maybe Halloween night, at home, when you are in a spooky mood and your children can run and hide if they need to feel safe or have had enough.

I would not recommend taking kids younger than thirteen to this movie. I wish it would’ve been rated PG13.

Who has seen this movie? Did you take your little kids? What did everyone think? Leave your comments below!

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