who is the friend that you don’t want to let down?
I heard this quote today listening to John C. Maxwell’s new book Leadershift and it got me thinking…
Do you have someone that believes in you so much that you don’t want to let them down? For me, I can think of a lot of answers to that question…
For one, my future self. My future self is counting on me to do something today. If I don’t show up for her then I’ll be letting her down and trust me, she’s gonna be pissed.
Two: my children. My children believe in me 100%. They’re watching me to learn how to be an adult. They’re watching me to learn good values. They’re watching me to learn what success looks like. I definitely do not want to let them down. I want to be today who I want them to grow up to be tomorrow.
Three: my Creator. I’ve been given gifts from my Creator to use in this life to make the world a better place in His name. He gives me grace, wisdom, opportunities, and fills my heart with dreams and passion. What a waste it would be if I didn’t use these gifts.
Four: my Tribe. You guys hold me accountable. I share my journey with you and encourage you all everyday and I am not going to let you down. You all hold me accountable and I like that because things get hard, life gets in the way, but I know I have my tribe to support me and to keep me going.
So tell me, who is the friend that believes wholeheartedly in You? Who is it that you don’t want to let down?