“What do you do when the past reaches out and offers you a way back?” – The Beau & the Belle + a giveaway

Auther R.S. Grey is one of my favorite romantic comedy authors. In her new book, The Beau & the Belle, she literally had me laughing out loud.

This is a fun easy read that has you swooning until the very end.

From Amazon:

Beau Fortier starred in most of my cringe-worthy teenage fantasies.
I met him when I was a junior in high school, a time that revolved exclusively around bad hair, failed forays into flirting, and scientific inquiries into which brand of toilet paper worked best for stuffing bras.
That is, until Beau moved into the small guest house just beyond my bedroom window.
A 24-year-old law student at Tulane, Beau was as mysterious to me as second base (both in baseball and in the bedroom). He was older. Intimidating. Hot. Boys my age had chicken legs and chubby cheeks. Beau had calloused hands and a jaw cut from steel. Our interactions were scarce—mostly involving slight stalking on my end—and yet deep down, I desperately hoped he saw me as more of a potential lover than a lovesick loser.
Turns out, I was fooling myself. My fragile ego learned that lesson the hard way.
Now, ten years later, we’re both back in New Orleans, and guess who suddenly can’t take his eyes off little ol’ me.
My old friend, Mr. Fortier.
But things have changed. I’m older now—poised and confident. My ego wears a bulletproof vest. The butterflies that once filled my stomach have all perished.
When I was a teenager, Beau warned me to guard my heart.
Let’s hope he knows how to guard his.

SHOP for The Beau & the Belle on Amazon here.

Want a free copy of the The Beau & the Belle?! Head over to my Instagram account and follow, comment, and tag a friend for a chance to win my giveaway of a copy of The Beau & the Belle plus some other surprise books.

Don’t wait, the Giveaway ends Friday March, 30, 2018.

Who has read R.S. Grey’s other novels, or The Beau & the Belle?

Let me know what you think in the comments below!

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