try all the things

“I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.” (The Invention of the Light bulb) ~Thomas Edison
I’m Tiffani and I’m 38 years old. I married my high school sweetheart and I’m a mother of three; boys ages 11 & 12, and a daughter who is 8.
I worked full time to put myself through college and graduated with a degree in marketing when my first son was born and when I was 27.
I started working when I was 15 years old, and have had over twenty jobs including a fish store clerk, grocery sacker, dry cleaner manager, bank teller, preschool teacher, barista, and a marketing coordinator for a book wholesale company.
I’ve been a full time working mom, a stay at home mom, and a part time working mom.
When I was 29 I created a secret society for woman called the 19th Society – a women’s club for educating and advocating for women education.
I’ve sold Scentsy, Jamberry Nail Wraps, and Clever Container products.
I started my own Etsy shop when I was 31 – a jewelry making business and sold car charms.
I started a company with my husband when I was 32 selling recycled plastic – a company I still work for today.
I started book blogging when I was 34 and then added lifestyle blogging when I was 35.
I published my first book when I was 37, and then I decided to write a second one and also start blogging about my true passions – marketing and supporting women.
I tried blogging about online marketing, making YouTube videos, and even tried being a marketing coach.
Today, I’ve decided that marketing isn’t the direction I want to pursue at this time, and I want to focus on supporting and encouraging women and writing my second novel.
I can look back at all of these things I’ve tried and say I haven’t made it big at any of them. I can even say I’ve failed at most of them.
I’ve tried just about everything though – and every time I try something new I learn, I grow, and I discover more about myself and who I want to become.
I’m closer to my dreams and my calling now than ever before – and it’s because I tried and failed at every one of these things.
If you have a calling in your heart to sell something, or make something, or write something – just do it! Don’t be afraid of failure!
Just try it for the sake of learning more about yourself. You don’t have to make it big, you just have to try!
I have no idea what my success will look like – and maybe I’ll never achieve it in this lifetime – but I’m happy I can say I tried, I learned, and I grew.
I’m with you friend! What do you want to try??