Top Five Must-Have Essential Oils – Guest Blogger Nelita Herrera

Introducing my dear friend Nelita Herrera with Young Living Essential Oils.
This girl right here means sooooo much to me. Almost 5 years ago her birth changed our lives. Really it did!! Everything I have done since that day has been for her and my husband. This girl had a rough start. She had complications at birth, spent 3 weeks in the NICU, and had 4 surgeries before she was 4 months old. After all that, she struggled with her health. She kept getting croup, suffered with digestion issues, and by 18 months still wasn’t sleeping through the night.
Needless to say Baby and Mama were struggling. Lack of sleep was affecting my health as well. When I would get sick it was hard for me to bounce back because I was breast feeding and my body couldn’t keep up.
So when a friend approached me with some suggestions to help me and Abi I was ready to try anything. I have to say it was a God thing that she did. Not only did we see a change in our health but also in energy and sleep. Over the past 3 years I have researched ways to keep our bodies healthy. I have ditched and switched toxic chemical products in my home with better for us products. I have completely stopped taking over the counter medication, significantly reduced the number of Doctor visits needed, and used the Zyto Scans/Balance scans to pin point what my body needed and started using those products. I know what to do for Abi when she starts to feel under the weather, but more importantly I know what to do for her to maintain a healthy body.
That to me is why I do what I do. I decided to be a stay at home Mom. I never set out to do the business side of Young Living. However, after I saw what these products have done for my family, how could I not want this for others!!
I share this with you so that you can see that there is a reason I am so passionate about Young Living oils, cleaning products, beauty products, and supplements. I trust that the products we are using are good for our body. I trust the company’s Seed to Seal policy. (
I love the community that I’m a part of and I love that God has blessed my family with such amazing support. I hope that this encourages you to take steps towards making better decisions for you and your family when it comes to your health. I love you all and I’m here to help you!!!
I would love to hear from you. What did you like about what you heard? What was your biggest take away?
Ready to make a change? Click this link now!!!
Top Five Must-Have Essential Oils
Let’s talk my favorite five essential oils. I’ll keep it short because I get so excited talking about oils and I don’t want to overwhelm you. It is so important to do your own research, however, these are the ones that I can honestly say made me a believer. I will give you key words to think about and research but I would like to share how my family has used these oils.
We should start with Lavender. The Swiss-army knife of oils. This one has many, many uses but we have used it for relaxation. A few drops in the diffuser and viola. In my personal story we dealt with sleep issues and this was a game changer. We use it in my daughter’s room every night and it is wonderful as a linen spray as well.
Keywords: Relaxation and Skin
Recipe for linen spray:
2 oz spray bottle
10 drops Young Living Lavender EO
1 TBSP Witch hazel
Fill rest with distilled water
Next, we should talk about Thieves. This oil is amazing. So amazing that Young Living has an entire Thieves line (cleaning products and dental products). It’s a blend of clove, lemon, cinnamon bark, Eucalyptus radiata, and rosemary. We dilute this with coconut oil and put it on our feet daily. This also makes a delicious tea when you are feeling under the weather.
Keyword: Immunity Recipe
Warm water
1 drop of Young Living Thieves EO
2 drops of Young Living Lemon EO
Honey to Taste
Digize Essential oil is like gold in our house. After all my daughter’s surgeries the Doctor told us that she will always deal with digestion issues for the rest of her life. We do have to monitor what she eats but with this oils she doesn’t have to suffer. We have added this oil to her belly since she was 18 months old and man has it made a difference. It is blend of Tarragon, Ginger, Peppermint, Juniper, Fennel, Lemongrass, Anise, and Patchouli.
Keyword: Digestion /Happy Tummy
Peppermint is another oil that has been a favorite in this house. We layer it on top of the Digize. It helps with the smell but also is very soothing to the tummy. We use this oil in the diffuser to help get us going in the morning. It is a great pick me up!
Keywords: Energy and Digestion support
The last one I want to talk about is Raven. I use this one a lot. I like to apply it on my chest and neck for a cooling effect. It helps me to breath easier during seasonal issues. Raven is a blend of Ravintsara, Lemon, Peppermint, and Wintergreen.
Keywords: Lung support
To shop Young Living Essential Oils visit this link today!
Tiffani Here ~
How many of you use essential oils already? I have used Lavender in my house for years, and I just started using Peppermint as well. We use Peppermint in the car for nausea when my kids get car sick. I am going to add Thieves, Digize, and Raven to my arsenal!
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