“This is about the future of the World.” – Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

***No Spoilers***
I wasn’t going to write a post on this movie. I usually don’t like to write posts on the really “big” ones, especially on opening day. BUT, I changed my mind.
However, I am not going to say much because I don’t want to ruin anything for you. This movie has been getting somewhat negative reviews, and I totally don’t get it!
Yes, I can see some flaws in the beginning. For your first time seeing it, you may find it a little confusing and maybe even a bit slow. I was confused at where the story was going for about an hour. Just hang in there and wait for it…wait for it…
At the end of the movie everything all comes together as a beautiful master piece. Awesome awesome awesome. Perfect timing. Perfect cast. Perfect ending. Perfect writing. Perfect story. This is the kind of movie you see multiple times in the theater. Now that I understand the back story, I can’t wait to see it again. Like when you get off of a roller coaster, again again again!
Just go see it and tell me what you think. I can’t wait to hear your thoughts!
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I can’t wait to see this movie!