the practical Easter bunny

Easter Baskets

When my children were younger I would go all out for Easter. I would buy the large beautiful Easter baskets, and pack them full of candy, plastic eggs, chocolate bunnies, stuffed animals, and tons of plastic toys. Oh, and bubbles!

As they got older, and my Easter basket collection grew overwhelmingly large, I knew there had to be a way to make Easter work for the kids and for Mom. Hence, the practical Easter basket.

Utilizing storage bins is a golden organizational rule. You can never have enough storage containers around the house. Unlike Easter baskets, you can actually use them again. So instead of buying the traditional Easter basket I decided to add their Easter bunny surprises to a functional storage bin instead.

Easter baskets

I mean, what am I supposed to do with all of these Easter baskets?! And where do you store them?

After switching to a functional basket, I decided the contents should also be useful. My kids are always needing various things, and what better time to cross things off their lists than Easter? If I am going to spend the money anyway, I would rather buy things we actually need!

Below are some examples of how I make the Easter bunny work for me.

Drew Above

This basket is for my eight year old. Very simple items they always need are toothpaste, tooth brushes, water bottles for school, and of course BOOKS. He’s starting football soon, so I included a practice football as his “fun” item, and added a chocolate bunny because, well, it’s Easter.

Alex Above

More of the same for my nine year old son. However, he’s always needing clothes and shoes, so I added some great Spring pieces for him as well.

Malori Above

For my daughter’s basket, age five, I added a few more “fun” items such as the Barbie and Play-Doh. But keep in mind the Play-Doh and Barbie will keep her occupied for hours, so these things also help Mom.

My kids aren’t missing out on Easter don’t worry. They have Grandma’s, and school and church egg hunts to insure plenty of Easter goodness. So if your Easter basket mound is approaching the ceiling like mine, maybe try a new basket approach this year!

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  1. So cute! Thanks for getting this post our before Easter so I can copy your ideas. I already have books and toothbrushes…ha! I love those water bottles though. Where do you get them?

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