summer self care

I’m setting the intention and plan to make sure I take care of ME this summer.
My goal is to be asleep by 11:00 and wake up by 7:00 everyday to journal my goals, gratitude, and intentions for my day, do my devotion with my First Five App, and get some writing/work time in before the kids get up.
Today was easy because 1. The dogs woke me up and 2. Alex is still in school so I have to drive him at 8:00. We’ll see how I do!
I’m also scheduling in some alone time for me – workout classes, morning coffee with friends, therapy, a women’s conference at Rise Dallas, and a girls weekend with my cousin. Last summer I didn’t plan for ME and I had a rough time feeling good and making good choices.
I get nervous when our routine changes, but I’m feeling positive about summer and planning ahead this year.
Hope it works! What are ways you plan to take care of YOU with the kids home!?