spring messy waves + hair styling routine

After changing my hair to a more blunt cut, I realized quickly that my usual style routine would need to be updated too. My old technique of achieving messy waves wasn’t working any longer. Below is an updated version of how I create my messy curls and the products I use for styling and maintenance.

My new hair cut is very similar to the blogger Emily Schuman from Cupcakes and Cashmere (not a coincidence, she’s my favorite blogger!) I used her video to teach myself how to achieve my desired look. This video is so easy to replicate at home. She does a great job at explaining how to get these messy curls. Take a look! (Be sure to view online to see the video, verses your email).

For my styling routine I try and stick to a pretty strict regimen. One of my favorite hair stylists told me once, “You have to do everything the right way, otherwise, you won’t get the hair you want.”

By this she meant, you can’t just use a good shampoo and mix it with harsh styling products or no heat protection. You also can’t use a bad shampoo and then use good styling tools. You have to go all the way or don’t try at all; the good shampoo/conditioner, the good styling tools and products, plus routine maintenance. Otherwise, you aren’t going to ever get the healthy head of hair you desire.

The products I use to style my hair are good quality but they last a long time and don’t break the bank. Click on the links to see more information on each one from Amazon.

First I begin with Quidad Shampoo Vitacurl Clear and Gentle Shampoo and Quidad Conditioner Vitacurl Balancing Rinse.

If you have naturally curly or wavy hair, you need Ouidad! I love her hair care line. She is a stylist that only works with naturally curly hair. Check out her Website here. Even though I straighten my hair I still use her products because they balance my frizz and help me maintain shine. If you wear your hair curly, check out her how to videos on how to style. They will change your life and hair forever.

When conditioning, be sure to use a wide-toothed comb in the shower to thoroughly distribute the conditioner. By doing this you’ll notice after your shower, when you brush out your hair, it is already detangled and smooth. This helps with breakage and further damage of brushing your wet hair.

After washing and gently towel drying my hair I apply Moroccan Oil Treatment to the ends. Anything left on my hands I apply to the top of my hair. I love this oil. Since I have dry frizzy hair, the oil helps to hold in some moisture and helps my ends stay healthier.

Then I apply Kevin Murphy Smooth Again through all of my hair and brush it through. This product does wonders for frizz and pesky fly-aways.

When I blow dry I always use the heat protect nozzle at the end of my hair dryer. This really helps protect your hair from high heat and also eliminating frizz. Because my new cut has a more sleek look to it, I use the nozzle to blow the hair down my hair shaft, smoothing as I go.

After blow drying I spray with Kevin Murphy Damage Manager and brush through. This is the ultimate heat protection product. It is light weight and has a great sprayer which doesn’t get the dry hair too wet.

After finishing my curling iron work (see video) I use Blow Pro Texture – textstyle dry texture spray. This spray provides the right amount of texture without any stickiness or stiffness. After separating my curls I apply the Ouidad Shine Glaze Serum on the ends for extra shine.

That’s it! Please let me know if you have any questions or comments. I would love to hear your feedback and advice.

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  1. Thanks for the tutorial. I have super curly hair and always looking on Pinterest on “how to” for video tutorials. Have you ever used the moroccon shampoo and condition?

    1. I haven’t tried the shampoo and conditioner yet, but love the oil. Honestly the ONLY shampoo and conditioner that works for me is from Ouidad. If you have curly hair, visit her website and her tutorials. Amazing!! Also buy her products. She sells at Ulta now too. Changed my life!

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