remember tomorrow

remember tomorrow

The person you’ll be tomorrow depends on the actions you’ll take today.

This concept blew me away 🤯 when I was finally able to understand it. Living for tomorrow keeps me accountable today.

If I want to publish a second novel then I need to write today. If I want to have a healthy strong body, I need to exercise today. If I want to have exceptional relationships then I need to make time for them today. If I want to not be hungover tomorrow, then I need to say no to wine today. The list goes on and on… Everything I want for tomorrow is possible, it only depends on the choices I make today.

Let’s make it a great day friends. Start one thing you’ve been saying you’ll do tomorrow and do it today. I’m going to exercise 30 mins although I really don’t feel like it 😝 I’m with you friends and love you so much! ❤️

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