
quick and easy five minute face with beauty expert Sarah Gibbs + a giveaway

Sometimes us women get so busy taking care of everyone else, especially our children, that we forget to take time for ourselves. I can remember when my kids were ages 1, 3, and 4, and my hair, makeup, and clothes were absolutely my last priority. I learned the hard way that when you start making yourself a priority, you are happier, which makes you a better mom, wife, and all around better human.

For those of you stuck in this trap of never putting yourself first, this class is for you! I urge you to find five minutes and pamper yourself and your face each day. This makeup lesson is so easy, and it can be done in five minutes or less with minimal products. Just look at the results you can achieve with these easy steps. 

I will be the first to admit, I do not know much about applying makeup. I never learned the “correct” application techniques or the right order. I know enough to get by, but that’s about it. Luckily, I met a super sweet person and beauty expert, Sarah Gibbs with Younique. Not only did she give me personal makeup applying lessons but she agreed to help me share these lessons with my blog.

I asked Sarah to help all of the busy women out there and teach us how to apply just the essentials, in a quick five minute face, that even the busiest of all Mom’s could take time to complete. Watch these two short videos and take notes! I learned so much. I will share my takeaways below. (Be sure and view the post via the Website to see the video, it won’t display in your email).

Part One – Your Eye Makeup

My Takeaways –

First, I would like to point out that Sarah does her eye makeup before her face makeup. This never occurred to me. I’ve tried it, and she is right, it is so much easier to clean up your messes before you’ve applied foundation.

Second, the white eye liner on your water line is genius. I just started using this technique, and it makes me look so much more awake.

Lastly, go ahead and get a brow liner or the brow gel. I never did this step because I thought it wasn’t necessary. Now that I have tried it, I realized how much the brows really do shape the face.

The fantastic Younique products that Sarah used are listed below with the links to read more. I’ve tried the Splurge Cream Shadow and the 3D Fiberlash Mascara and love to use them both!

1. Splurge Cream Shadow: Tenacious
2. Precision Pencil Liner: Pristine
3. Brow Gel: Light
4. 3D Fiberlash + Mascara

Part Two – Your Face Makeup

My Takeaways –

First, you must invest in a good face primer. I’ve tried a couple, and realized how important they are at preparing my face for makeup. The primer smooth’s out my skin, getting my face ready for makeup. The Glorious Primer also removes any messes after applying my eye makeup.

Second, I always applied my concealer before my foundation hoping to cover up my dark eye circles. I didn’t realize the intent of the concealer being to highlight the eye to bring less attention to the dark circles. It works much better when you use it that way 😉

Lastly, don’t be afraid to use some blush (or even bronzer). This will ultimately finish your face giving you a more finished and put together look for your day. Plus adding some color to your tired face is always a good thing.

Below are the links to the Younique products that Sarah used. I have tried the first three, and loved them all!

5. Glorious Primer
6. Touch Liquid Foundation in Velour and Liquid Foundation Brush
7. Touch Skin Perfecting Concealer in Scarlet
8. Pressed Blusher in Sweet and Blusher Brush


Younique’s Moodstruck 3D Fiberlashes + is a must have! I love this mascara so much that I want to give you a chance to try it. I’ll be giving away one set, a $29 value! This giveaway will stay open until June 3rd. Enter by clicking below and tell your friends.


The Younique company not only provides amazing makeup products and knowledgeable presenters, it also founded the Younique Foundation, a charity organization supporting adult women who suffered childhood sexual abuse. When you purchase from Younique beauty products, you have the opportunity to donate to this much needed charity. Read more on the Younique Foundation here.

If you are interested in learning more about the Younique products, becoming a Presenter, or hosting a virtual party, don’t hesitate to contact Sarah. In addition, you can order products from her Website, and they ship Internationally to Canada, Australia, New Zealand, United Kingdom, Mexico, Germany, France, and Spain.

Be sure and follow Sarah and her beauty blog at the following links. She does a ton of great tutorials and offers deals on the Younique makeup products.

Website @sarahslashstash.com

Facebook Pages @SarahsLashStash

Facebook Groups @groups/SarahsLashStash

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