process your disappointment

I read this passage from Lysa TerKeurst this morning (see more of it below) and it helped me so much to understand my own emotions…

I was just telling Greg last night how heavy my heart feels right now. I’m not ready to move on and be positive. I’m still feeling all the whiplash from our whole lives being abruptly halted. I’m still feeling all the disappointment of all of our Spring activities cancelled. I’m still feeling all the pain that so many in the world are facing.

If I don’t stop and process and digest these emotions, I won’t be able to go on. I want to cry and lay in bed and sleep, and then when I’m ready I’ll try and save the world.

Allow yourselves to feel and process sweet friends, your emotions are important and it’s okay if they come out. It makes you stronger. ❤️

More from Lysa TerKeurst:

“Praying for all those fighting Covid-19 from patients battling for their lives, to health care workers risking so much to help so many, to scientists looking for solutions.

Also praying for all of us who are feeling like life just slammed on the brakes, and we’re all still reeling from the whiplash.

Certainly, saving lives is most important. But there are emotions we need to be able to process in the midst of all these sudden changes. One of those is the very real feeling of disappointment.

So many life events are being cancelled … jobs that people were counting on for needed income, schools, church services, weddings, family gatherings, graduations and so much more.

Please know processing our disappointment is not only okay… it’s emotionally and spiritually necessary. You’re not making light of someone else’s serious pain when you process your pain to gain a better perspective.

So, first, whatever you’re going through today, it’s worth taking to the Lord and asking for His help. And second, let’s give each other grace since we are all trying to navigate the unexpected.

Social distancing doesn’t mean we distance ourselves from offering each other grace.

God’s goodness has not been cancelled.

Grace has not been cancelled.

Kindness has not been cancelled.

Generosity has not been cancelled.

Love has not been cancelled.”

You can read the rest of my devotion “God’s Goodness Isn’t Canceled” here:

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