new favorites – The Wallaby Bag-in-Bag Collection from Charming Charlie

My all time new favorite bag is the Wallaby Bag-in-Bag collection from Charming Charlie. Being a working mother of three, I carry a ton of “crap” with me every where I go. The biggest problem I always have is not wanting to carry a huge bag around.
For example, if I need to run into the grocery store I really only need three things; my keys, my wallet, and my phone. I don’t want to carry a huge Mom bag to buy some milk. Or, if I want to just run into a restaurant, I only need a small bag that can fit my necessities and maybe some activities for the kids. However, if I am heading to the office, or plan to have some down time in the car, then I want my Laptop, a book (of course), and my Day Timer with me. Sometimes I even need to cram water bottles, snacks, and mail in my bag. I found a baseball in it the other day. A baseball!
The Wallaby Bag-in Bag solves all of these problems for me. It has a small cross body bag inside the big bag. WOW right? Such a simple idea. I can easily fill the small cross body with all of my essentials. It is the perfect size to grab and go into any store, the school, a restaurant, anywhere! It’s so easy to carry, and zips to keep all of my belongings safe.
While the cross body is the perfect size for everything I need to keep handy, the larger bag is the perfect size for all of my other items. The small cross body attaches into the larger bag with snaps if you want to keep it secure. The cross body strap can be used to attach to the small bag, or the larger bag. You can wear these two bags five different ways.
I just load up the large bag with everything and throw it in the car. Throughout my day I have everything I need, plus I can run in and out of stores with just a small cross body. Happy solution! The material of the bag is very durable, and easily cleanable. It’s soft and flexible, which I like, but it still holds its shape. These bags are perfect for traveling as well.
The collection has so many cute colors for Spring and Summer. Tons of options! Best part, you can grab this whole set for $39! Click here to check out more options and colors.
If you order Online, use this promo code ending May 31st.
MAY $10 off $60 + Free Std Shipping Use code: MCC1060
If you are having the same trouble as me; finding a bag that is not too small, not too big, and fits everyday solutions; then this is your answer. What solutions have you found for your daily haul? I love suggestions!
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