new favorites – Fred Water by guest blogger Sandy Knott

I love to try new things, especially ones that come with rave reviews. Recently I read a post from one of my favorite authors on how she has become obsessed with Fred water. The comments from her readers were over-the-top glowing– like “Fred water tastes like the tears of an angel.” With that much praise I had to see for myself! Several people posted that Fred water was not available in their local area, but lucky for me my grocery store carries them in both the 13 oz and the 20 oz sizes.

My son and I spent more than an hour fighting Sunday afternoon grocery lines to return to a car that had been sitting in the near 100 degree Texas heat, so we were ready to break into our flask of Fred. Yup, I said flask. The appeal of Fred’s water to me is as much about the container as its contents. Fred’s bottles are flask-shaped for easy handling to go wherever you go– pocket sized is what they say but I don’t know that these bottles would fit in my pocket, maybe a man’s pocket. They’re easy to grip even for little hands and the sturdy and BPA-free walls don’t crush easily like single-use plastic bottles. Fred designed their bottles to be refilled, reused and recycled. It’s their way of being eco friendly, promoting sugar-free drinking and let’s face it, there’s something funny about seeing a 9-year-old drinking a clear liquid out of a flask!

Now, I’ve never experienced tears of an angel, but I would imagine that it would be as smooth and velvety as the water that is bottled by Fred. Their water source is the Catskill Mountains of New York and it tastes so pure, it almost doesn’t taste real. I usually don’t go out of my way to buy the fancy water because I’ve never been able to taste a difference but Fred water tasted distinctly different to me.

We loved Fred water. I’m almost tempted to buy a case ( of it and have it shipped to my house!

**Tiffani Here** – I would have to say that I have tried Fred Water, and I completely agree with Sandy. It’s really really good water! You can find it at HEB in the front of the store with all of the drinks. Let me know what you think!
Big thanks to Sandy for guest blogging for me. I have been swamped with our move, but have many stories in the works to share with you. Sandy is an avid reader. If you ever need a book recommendation, or to just talk books, reach out to her on Goodreads @sandarita or on Instagram @oh_sandy.
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