new favorites – Erin Condren life planner

I’m a hold-in-your-hand planner type of girl. With three kids in activities my schedule is always crazy, and it helps me to write everything down and even color code my weekly plans. When the new year started I was on the hunt for a new planner, and lucky for me I stumbled upon the Life Planner by Erin Condren. I am in love!
Erin Condren offers all different types of planners; Coiled, Petite, Hardbound, Teacher Lesson Planners, Monthly Planners, Wedding Planners, Academic Planners, Meal Planners (Just to name a few!)
Not only do they offer multiple planners, they also have tons of accessories such as stickers, markers, dashboards, interchangeable covers, clutches, any many more. The accessories make using your planner way more personal and easier to fit your specific planning needs.
After deciding which type of planner you want, you are able to design it yourself, choosing from all types of covers, font, layouts, and personalization.
I chose black and gray (surprising!) and had my name added. Inside the Life Planner you will find sticker tabs, inspirational quotes, and folders to add extra papers. Planning your weekly to-do list is so much more fun with colors and quotes to help you get through the week!
My planner also came with a FREE Sticker book which I use every week. They are still offering that promotion today.
I chose to use the hourly layout, but there are three layouts to choose from; Vertical, Horizontal, and Hourly.
Here are some more pictures of the other Planner Types:
Life Planner
Teacher Lesson Planner and Accessories
Petite Planner and Accessories
Some of my favorite accessories that I ordered are the markers, the pouch, and the meal planning dashboard with dry erase markers.
Erin Condren Planners are so easy to order and shipping is quick. Visit the Website today and take a look! There is also a store, the Erin Condren Flagship Retail Store right here in Austin at the Domain. It is definitely on my list to visit.
Below are a few planning tips I find useful:
*When organizing or planning your week it is important to plan ahead on a micro level. When you write down an activity, don’t just think of that activity and be done with it. Think about what goes into that activity and plan for that too. For example, if you have a birthday party coming up next week, make sure you write down to buy the gift the week before. If you have a social event, plan time in your calendar to shop for outfits or get that pedicure. The more you write down the better!
*When scheduling for more than one person, or more than one category, try using different color pens. I know it can be a hassle, but color coding really helps you visualize your plans. Especially when planning for multiple people such as your kids. I plan each week for three kids, family events, dinner, personal appointments, blogging work, school volunteer work, my real job work, and supplies for the home and office. Using different colors is a must.
*Write everything down! If I don’t write something down the moment I think of it, it’s lost forever. When using my Day Timer, I have a notepad in the front I can use to jot down quick reminders or appointment times. That way I can go back later and add them to the right calendar week. Remember, you don’t always have to bust out your colored pens when you are making an appointment. Set time in your day to spend with your planner so you can be thorough. You’ll be happy you did when everything is done.
*When scheduling always reference your calendar first. This is my biggest problem with not using a digital calendar. I can’t always whip out my Day Timer and “check my schedule.” Even though it is a hassle, I try to always double check my calendar before actually committing to new plans. Most of the time I am glad I waited because it is so easy to forget a practice or school function.
*Lastly, everyone loves to check things off when they are completed. I use a highlighter to highlight activities when they are finished. That way I can easily see what I have left to do. I love the feeling of accomplishment I get when I have everything done on my checklist. You will too!
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