new favorites – Enso Silicone Rings

When my family and I went on a ski trip this past February my husband had a crazy reaction to wearing his metal wedding ring under his ski gloves. For some strange reason, the metal began to eat away at his skin, causing it to blister, turn red, and itch. He tried switching hands, but the same thing happened on the other finger. He’s worn this particular ring for at least ten years with no problem, so this was very surprising.

I had a similar experience with my diamond ring and my ski gloves. My finger didn’t turn red or blister, but wearing my ring and my gloves was very annoying. My diamond kept getting turned around and was considerably uncomfortable. This made me think of all the other times my ring is uncomfortable or even when I’m afraid of losing it – putting on my daughter’s ballet tights, riding on a boat, swimming, working out, doing the dishes, gardening, catching it on the kitchen counter.

I realized my diamond ring gets in the way of pretty much every active thing that I do.

Then my ah-ha moment came, I remembered the break-away rings I saw on an episode of Shark Tank – Enso Rings.

Enso Rings are made of  a durable and flexible material called silicone. They are designed so that you don’t have to take them off for anything!

I decided to give them a try and I was surprised when I visited their website and saw so many options to chose from.

This was going to be fun!


The Enso Rings come in all different colors, sizes, and a classic or thin thickness. I ordered my husband the ELEMENTS in Black Pearl. For me, I decided to have some fun and try the STACKABLES.

After trying out our rings for the past month, we are both very impressed! My husband wears his everyday, even to shower and sleep. It is very comfortable and looks great on his hand. Unless you take it off and feel it, you can’t tell it isn’t made of some kind of metal.

I find myself wearing my stackable rings everyday. It’s so nice to not catch my diamond on everything, especially my daughter’s tights. The rings are very comfortable and I usually don’t take them off until I am getting into bed. Where as with my diamond,  I would always take it off right when I got home for the day.

Don’t get me wrong, I still love my bling. I wear my diamond band to evening occasions or lunches, or anything fancy. My regular days are usually so active I find the Enso rings are way more practical for all my shenanigans.

The silicone is light and airy and fits just right on my finger. On the Enso Rings website they have a great sizing chart so you can easily find your size.

FYI – these rings can also be engraved which is really cool!

Enso rings come in all different colors and shapes. They are affordable enough to even color coordinate your rings with the season or your outfits. Most importantly, Enso Silicone Rings prevent dangerous injuries such as ring avulsion. I love them!

Who has tried Enso Silicone Rings? What did you think? Let me know in the comments below!

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