Mother Freaking Real Life Podcast EPISODE 6: THE (ALCOHOL) STRUGGLE IS REAL

Mother Freaking

“Today I’ll choose courage over comfort.” – Brene Brown

I’ll be honest – being extremely vulnerable on the Mother Freaking Real Life Podcast was one of the hardest things I’ve ever done. I’ve been anxious since I recorded the episode two weeks ago.

This is the most honest I’ve ever been about my struggle with alcohol as a Mom, and it was HARD. (like scary, hands shaking, voice cracking, want to hide under my bed, hard)

BUT – in my heart, I KNOW that if I don’t be brutally honest about what I experienced, I can’t help anyone, and we can’t have real change.

I was emailed late last night by a Mom that listened to this podcast, poured out her glass of wine, and feels like she is not alone in her struggle. THAT IS BEAUTIFUL and THAT makes choosing COURAGE over COMFORT worth it to me.

If you are struggling with alcohol, or anything else that is holding you back from being your best self, I encourage you to listen.

📌 To listen click here —>

Please also support my new friend Hayley Hengst and Subscribe and Listen to her other episodes.

They are Real Life Mother Freaking great episodes!!

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  1. so so glad you chose courage!!! I know there are many other lives you’ve impacted and will continue to impact…but I can for sure say mine is one them!

    1. Your feedback is so MUCH appreciated! Thank you! It gives me strength to keep going. Best of luck and I’m always here for you. ❤️

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