“Manners maketh man” – Kingsman: The Golden Circle


Kingsman: The Golden Circle is out in theaters and I finally got a chance to see it earlier this week. If you haven’t seen the first Kingsman movie, The Secret Service, I would advise you to watch it before seeing the second one. But only for context, because the sequel is So. Much. Better.

With the addition of some exciting new cast who make up the secret organization from Kentucky, The Statesman, this movie KILLS IT. I mean Channing Tatum is in this movie. Channing Tatum alongside Taron Egerton. Hello?!

And don’t forget everyone else who comes on board: Halle Berry, Julianne Moore, Jeff Bridges, and Pedro Pascal. The Statesman from Kentucky give this movie EVERYTHING it was missing. The dashing manners of the Kingsman mixed with the rough southern Statesman = perfection.

Here is the summary from the Web: “With their headquarters destroyed and the world held hostage, members of Kingsman find new allies when they discover a spy organization in the United States known as Statesman. In an adventure that tests their strength and wits, the elite secret agents from both sides of the pond band together to battle a ruthless enemy and save the day, something that’s becoming a bit of a habit for Eggsy.”

The movie jumps right into action and takes you for a fun filled ride, complete with heroes, villains, double crosses, humor, and romance. This movie keeps you guessing right until the end.

The action tends to be a little more extreme for my taste, however, they take out most of the gore which makes it bearable. However, I did almost throw up at one point. The gadgets, cars, suites, and weaponry are high tech as ever. Nothing is missing.

Like I said, watch The Secret Service movie first so you are all caught up. The Golden Circle picks up right where they left off and also mentions multiple scenes from the first movie. You don’t want to feel lost.

All in all I’d say go ahead and watch this movie. It’s great for the guys with all the James Bond feel action, and also great for us girls who like a little romance (also did I mention Channing Tatum and Taron Egerton 😉 )

Have you seen Kingsman: The Golden Circle? What did you think? Let me know in the comments below.

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