Make a plan. Stick to the plan. Always deliver. – Storks

**Synopsis from the Website: “Storks deliver babies — or at least they used to. Now, they deliver packages for a global internet retail giant. Junior (Andy Samberg), the company’s top delivery stork, lands in hot water when the Baby Factory produces an adorable but wholly unauthorized girl. Desperate to deliver this bundle of trouble, Junior and his friend Tulip (Katie Crown), the only human on Stork Mountain, race against time to make their first baby drop before the boss (Kelsey Grammer) finds out.“**
Storks the movie is ultimately about parenting and things parents will do for their children. It portrays strong family values and highlights the bonds that are formed with new babies and family. It is a super cute feel good film where the good guys win.
The movie had my whole family rolling with laughter throughout the entire film. The characters constantly deliver quick quips and their overly exaggerated personas make for easy comedic situations. I didn’t find any of the lines to be inappropriate however there is laugh out loud adult humor. Especially about parenting.
All three of my children left the movie giggling and quoting movie lines. They all rated it over a 10 and want to see it again. Even my husband and I were quoting movie lines well after the movie was over. My 6 year old daughter was a little frightened for maybe five seconds until she realized it wasn’t a scary part after all.
Storks is very entertaining for the whole family. I would definitely recommend it either in the theater or pay-per-view. Have you seen it? What did you think?
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