lead from the front

lead from the front

Remembering to Lead From The Front helps me so much when I start feeling like I’m not good enough at something.

When you’re starting something new it’s easy to compare yourself to people who are already succeeding and feel like you’re not good enough to even start.

I felt this away when I started blogging and especially when I started writing my book. I knew I wasn’t anywhere close to the successful bloggers or authors and I almost let that feeling stop me from starting.

But thankfully I learned about a concept called Leading From The Front that changed everything for me.

When I first started blogging in 2015 I listened to a podcast called Blogging your Passion and the host Jonathan introduced me to this concept.

When you lead from the front, you’re leading from your current place of knowledge.

Say for instance you just started selling jewelry and you’re bringing in $100 a month in profit. Someone that hasn’t even started yet will love to hear about how you got started and how you are making $100 a month.

When you lead from the front you have the understanding that there are people behind you that will value your current level of knowledge.

When you start questioning your abilities just remember to lead from the front. Remember that where you are right now is further than someone else and you can help them and provide value. Even if you’re only two steps ahead, you still have the opportunity to be a leader and to keep going.

Believe in yourself, in this very moment, and just begin! I’m with you!

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