in a storm – ready for sunshine

t a massa

Looking for sunshine like 👀☀️🙏🏻 I’ve been right in the middle of a ⛈ for weeks…nothing life threatening but just a lot of unscheduled wrenches 🔧 in our routine (sick kids, new puppy, new schools!)

It’s hard to look forward sometimes when you’re right in the middle of a ⛈. I thought I was ready to tackle anything, but once I got in the eye of the storm, I wore myself out and ended up getting sick myself. 😢

I’m trying to turn it around though – focusing on self care with lots of rest, cancelling plans, asking for help, and practicing gratitude.

I’m ready to get back on track! I know this week is going to be sunshine ☀️ and rainbows 🌈 and I’m so ready!! (Although it’s totally storming outside right now! 😝)

How do you ride through a storm? Do you even know when you’re in one? Do you have a plan or do you just wing it?? Wishing everyone a great week this week!!

Let’s make it ☀️🌈☀️🌈❤️❤️!

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