“I need some angry flocking birds!” – Angry Birds Movie

My family and I saw this movie opening night and I am so impressed! Not only is this the funniest movie I have seen ALL year, the ideas and creativity behind the plot were brilliant.
Here is a quick synopsis from the Website: “Flightless birds lead a mostly happy existence, except for Red (Jason Sudeikis), who just can’t get past the daily annoyances of life. His temperament leads him to anger management class, where he meets fellow misfits Chuck (Josh Gad) and Bomb. Red becomes even more agitated when his feathered brethren welcome green pigs to their island paradise. As the swine begin to get under his skin, Red joins forces with Chuck and Bomb to investigate the real reason behind their mysterious arrival.”
If you have ever played the Angry Birds game, then you pretty much understand the plot of this movie. Even if you have never heard of the game, or anything about Angry Birds, you will still love this movie. It is laugh out loud funny. My whole family was cracking up!
The characters are hilarious and have real life problems that anyone can relate to. You are introduced to the Piggies, which are completely obnoxious and thoroughly entertaining. The humor in this movie is perfect for any age. The adults were laughing just as much as the children.
This movie is age appropriate for any kid. It is in no way scary, which is nice for a change, and each one of my children rated it a 10/10. They all want to see it again, so do I!
“Pluck my life.” Ha! Let me know when you see it, and what you thought!
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