i don’t know what to post

ideas on what to post

One of the number one questions about marketing that I get from my friends is, “what do I post?”

They want to market their businesses online, but they have no idea what to say.

I totally get it!

Its hard to come up with ideas! You want to sound authentic and real, talk about your business, but you don’t want to sound too pushy. These are hard things friends!

But don’t worry…I’m here to tell you there IS a way to marketing your business online PLUS have lots of things to talk about.

If you practice Content Marketing principles you can market your business online, help people, sell your products, and have lots of engagement on your posts.

What is Content Marketing do you ask? I did a full blog post on Content Marketing here if you would like to learn more. Or you can watch my super special YouTube video on the topic here.

For the sake of this blog post, let me just stick to the ideas about WHAT TO POST.

To get started, let’s look at one of my favorite online marketing experts Amy Porterfield.

She is one of the queens in this industry of online marketing and has great content marketing ideas. I recently joined her new Facebook Live group called Exploring B-School and she posted 13 amazing Content Marketing ideas to get you going in the right direction.

Le’ts look at some of her ideas plus awesome examples below:


Amyporterfield.com/210 – 5 Lessons I Learned From Shonda Rhimes


Amyporterfield.com/239 – My Weightloss Journey (Part 2)
and Amyporterfield.com/230 – Dealing With Depression as an Entrepreneur: Amy and Jasmine Star Open Up

Amyporterfield.com/252 – 3 Ways to Mega-Personalize Your Next Promotion (This is an UPCOMING episode)

Amyporterfield.com/248 – How I Built My Business

Amyporterfield.com/250 – How to Create a 3-Month Content Calendar (The Step-by-Step Process)

Amyporterfield.com/241 – How a Mom of 4 Turned Her Chiseled Abs Into $330K Using Webinars In Just 9 Months with Kim Constable

Amyporterfield.com/244 – How to Get Past the Fear of Launching

Amyporterfield.com/191 – A Week-In-The-Life (A Behind the Scenes Look Into My Business)

Amyporterfield.com/224 – A Behind the Scenes Chat with My Integrator, Chloe

Amyporterfield.com/4 – 5 Reasons Most Online Courses Fail (& How To Turn Them Into Your Biggest Opportunity)

Amyporterfield.com/233 – Podcasting 101: From Creation to Promotion

HACKS EVERY _______________ SHOULD KNOW:
Amyporterfield.com/173 – 3 Hacks to Help You Get More Done in Less Time

Amyporterfield.com/177 – How to Design Your Ideal Week

Amy has a ton of great content ideas so be sure to listen to her podcast Online Marketing Made Easy for more in depth knowledge on how to use Content Marketing.

These ideas should get you started on WHAT TO POST about you and your business. By posting on topics such as these, you are building engagement, creating a loyal following, growing customers, and allowing your customers to get to know you better.

This is all important when it comes time to ask for a sale.

Post your Three Things:

Another great resource for getting ideas on WHAT TO POST is from Marketing Entrepreneur Jenna Kutcher.

If you haven’t heard of Jenna Kutcher – I want you to follow her on Instagram immediately. Jenna Kutcher is a wedding photographer turned marketing entrepreneur. She knows online marketing and is a great resource to growing your online business. I would recommend her podcast Goal Digger to add to your knowledge arsenal.

I took Jenna’s FREE Instagram Masterclass and it was so helpful. She offer’s great ideas for social media posting.

One idea of her ideas that is super easy is to pick THREE things that you love and add these to your social media content.

Maybe you have an obsession with squirrels? Maybe your obsession is calendars? Or even hiking?

Whatever it is you love, pick THREE things that make you special, and talk about them in your content. If someone says squirrel, they should think of YOU.

My three things are this:

My love of my cats, love of movies, and my family.

Not only does this give you extra ideas on what to post about, but it also helps with your branding. For more information on branding check out my blog post On Branding here or my YouTube video here.

Remember you don’t want to post about your business all the time. You are trying to grow a loyal customer base that likes you and knows you. Customers can buy from anywhere, but they will buy from YOU if you create and then foster the relationships.

Keep your posts on a routine schedule:

Now that you have ideas on WHAT TO POST, how do you know WHEN TO POST THEM?

I try to keep my posts on a schedule so that I know what to do next. I can easily look at my content and see what should come next.

The best example of how to set up this schedule is a from a book called Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook by author Gary Vaynerchuk.

Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook: How to Tell Your Story in a Noisy Social World

In this book, Gary describes a process of posting on social media that includes jabbing, “patiently engaging with customers to build the relationships,” but also coming in with the right hook that includes creating the “next sale or campaign that’s going to knock out the competition.”

An example of the Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook is as follows:

Post 1 (Jab) – Personal story

Post 2 (Jab) – Behind the scenes

Post 3 (Jab) – Your love of squirrels

Post 4 (Right Hook) – Present your product or service and ask for a sale

By staying in this routine on your social media posts, you can provide great content for your audience while building relationships and then ask for the sale at the right time. This way you don’t feel so pushy or sales-y all the time.

Your able to market your business, stay connected with your customers, and grow your audience, all while feeling good and confident about what your posting.

Use FREE Stock Images:

I’ve mentioned this before, but sometimes all you need is a good picture to post. If you are in need of pictures to go along with your content, try using a stock image provider such as Canva. You can download beautiful and relevant FREE images to use with your content!

Remember to have fun with your marketing practice friends. Be bold and courageous and don’t be afraid to try new things. Take time to notice what your audience responds to and be sure to shift and change your marketing tactics with your audience. If your posts are getting ZERO engagement then maybe its time to try something new. Come back to the lists above and keep trying new things!

I can’t wait to talk more about knowing WHAT TO POST with you! What questions do you have? How can I help you?

Be sure to check out my other Marketing Posts to learn more about marketing your business. Know Your Why & How to have time for Marketing 

marketing coach

If you need extra help with Marketing for your small business I’m here for you! Visit my Marketing Coach Services page to read about the marketing services I provide and my rates. I would love to help you!

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