i am not purfect

When I began the journey of taking back my life I realized how deeply ingrained perfectionism was showing up in everything I did.

If I made even the smallest mistake I would get so mad at myself. Little things like a typo in a blog post, poor choice of words in a conversation, forgetting to pick up my husband’s dry cleaning, forgetting it’s pajama day at school – the smallest mistake and I would feel inadequate and unworthy.

Of course this led to negative self talk and berating myself over and over, “How could I mess this up? I should be better than this! Next time I need to do better! What is wrong with me?!”

Perfectionism showed up for me in my writing as well. For years I wouldn’t even consider writing a book because I knew I’d never be the best author in the whole world. If I couldn’t be the best author ever created then I shouldn’t even try. What was the point? If I couldn’t be the best blogger, then I shouldn’t even try. I should only write if I was 100% sure I’d be the best, I’d be perfect, and 100% qualified.

I just finished the book Brave, Not Perfect by Reshma Saujani. In her book she talks about the need to be perfect is something all girls struggle with, it’s pretty much in our DNA! Reshma urges us to work together to rewrite the script and become brave, not perfect.

I work on perfectionism now, intentionally, every day. If I make a mistake, I catch myself immediately and instead of beating myself up I say, “I’m not perfect and that’s okay.” If I’m going to challenge myself to do something new, I give myself permission to suck and just try it anyway. If you don’t believe me, watch my IGTV videos, haha!

I declared for myself, in this life, I will never be perfect and I will never pretend to be. Period. So if you see me stumble, make a big mistake, say the wrong thing, or have a typo in my posts — that’s me! Not purfect. Just Brave. Love you friends! ❤️

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