how to empower others

When other women, especially our daughters, see us doing the hard thing, it gives them permission to do it as well. This is how we empower others and this is how we change.

We HAVE to try the hard things because it isn’t only about US, it’s about THEM and it’s about the future of all women.

When we stand up for ourselves, when we start our businesses, when we take care of our bodies and love ourselves, when we write the books, when we TRY to level up and break the ceiling – IT MATTERS.

Every SMALL action matters because someone is watching. YOU have the ability to empower the next generation just by trying over and over again to do better.

It doesn’t matter if you fail or reach your idea of success. The TRYING is what’s important. Keep trying, again and again, and one day the women of our society won’t have to try as hard as we did because we paved the path for THEIR success.

I love what Nic Stone says in this quote – be the example and know that it isn’t only about you, and your strength is contagious and worth having. Love you friends. Let’s do this together. ❤️❤️ 

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