got my fix – stitch fix

I love seeing this little box on my door step. Something just for me! So many of us women put everyone and everything else first. We give all we have to work, the kids, our husbands, the house, the pets; on and on. When do we take time for ourselves? Most of us Moms are having a good day when we have time to shower.

This is why I love Stitch Fix. Because it’s just for me. I don’t have time to shop a lot for myself. Most of the time I’m grabbing clothes for my kids because it’s just easier. Less time consuming. But with Stitch Fix my stylist shops for me. She watches the trends and seasons, and sends me items she thinks I will love. Whenever I see that box on the door step, I can’t help but smile. It’s like Christmas! Surprise awesome wardrobe at my doorstep.

If you haven’t heard of Stitch Fix, the process is fairly simple. First you complete an online profile with your measurements and fashion preferences. Yes, it’s a little long, but try not to think too much into it, you can always change it. After that you sign up for the service. It’s $20 a month, and they hold a credit card on file. Once you are a member you schedule your first fix. There are all different options. You can choose options like once a week, once a month, every other month, or as needed. Once your shipment is on the way, your card is charged the $20.

Now here is the fun part. You get your box and dive inside. They ship you five items, which can include anything from a scarf, to jeans, to shoes. If you buy all five items you get 25% off the entire order. Whatever you buy, your $20 monthly charge is applied to your total order. After deciding what to keep, simply check out online. If you don’t like something, you just ship it back in a prepaid envelope.

My favorite part about my box is that it includes a style card for each of the five items. This style card shows me two complete ensembles with my new piece of clothing. This really helps with getting ideas on how to pair the piece with things I already have in my closet. Or if I need to buy something new. I also love getting pieces I wouldn’t normally pick out for myself. I usually buy gray or black, and since starting Stitch Fix I’m wearing new colors like green or red.

Now the big question, the price? Yes, the clothes are more expensive than Kohls or Old Navy, where I usually shop. The good thing is if you don’t want to spend any money, you can send everything back and you are only out your $20. When you create your profile you can tell your stylist how much you want to spend. I chose “As little as possible.” My average costs to keep 3-5 items is about $100-$200. Now keep this in mind, these brands are top quality, so you are getting what you pay for. Some of the brands I’ve seen at department stores like Nordstrom’s and Dillard’s.

I’ve had success with Stitch Fix. I get a shipment every other month, and I can usually create 4-5 new outfits with my new wardrobe pieces. However, it is hit or miss. Sometimes I get a shipment and I only like one thing. I would suggest starting a Pinterest Board for your stylist so you can pin outfits and styles that you like. That really helps her send the right pieces.

Do you use Stitch Fix? What do you think about it? Hit or miss?

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