“Depression is like water.”

Kathryn Perez writes a painfully honest story in Letters Written in White. I first came upon this book in a blog post written by one of my favorite authors, Colleen Hoover. She recommended this new release so I decided to read it. I really had no idea of what to expect when starting the book. After the first chapter, I almost put it down. This book was going to be hard for my heart to finish.
This book is about a mother, Riah Winter, who is suffering in deep, dark, depression. So deep, that she commits suicide and dies. Yes, she dies. This book is written after her death. It describes her journey has she hovers between worlds trying to come to terms with her decisions while she was alive.
I am so glad I kept reading this book. Every time I would tell myself I’d had enough, I would pick it back up and keep going. It’s very hard to read. And not hard like, big words or complicated plots, it’s emotionally hard to read. That being said, it’s emotional but completely necessary. If you have depression, or have ever known someone with depression, you need to read this book. In addition, if you have kids and sometimes feel like they have you stressed beyond belief, you need to read this book.
“House payments, kids, career, and the rinse and repeat of life moved in where love and promises had moved out.”
“Cook dinner. Serve dinner. Kids eat and argue. Referee the kids. Kids make a mess. Clean the kitchen. Rinse and Repeat. Day in and day out.”
Sometimes we are lucky enough to read a book that truly helps us and changes are lives. I am so glad I read this book. I am forever in debt to the lessons it taught me about being a mother and appreciating my children, my husband, and my life.
“Books help us. They change us. When I finish a novel, I walk away from it a different person.”
This is a short read. At the end of the book she features letters from real women who were brave enough to share their stories and battles. There is also a preview of her upcoming novel, Kingsley, a Therapy Novel.
Have you read this one yet? Please let me know what you thought in the comments below.
SHOP Letters Written in White on Amazon
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