Chitty-chitty-chat-chat, chat-chat-chat! – Kung Fu Panda 3

Best Kung Fu Panda yet! We recently took our three kids, ages five, seven, and eight, to see the new Kung Fu Panda 3. After watching Kung Fu Panda and Kung Fu Panda 2, I wasn’t sure about going to see this movie. The first two were okay, but they both lacked excitement. This was definitely the best version of Kung Fu Panda that I’ve seen!

Po comes into his own as the Dragon Warrior in this prelude. He is reunited with his real father and the other panda bears, and finally has a sense of self. Po masters Kung Fu and it’s awesome to see him battle the evil Kai. Kung Fu Panda 3 is full of action, suspense, and comedy. A perfect mix.

When I see any movie I always try and pick out one quote that sums up the movie. Or at least jot down some of my favorite quotes. Well, during this film there were so many fun quotes to choose from, it was hard to narrow it down to just one. Here are some of my favorite:

Shifu: “If you only do what you can do, you’ll never be better than what you are.”

Mantis: “You seriously afraid? Even Master Chicken is going in there, and he’s a chicken.”

Po: “Double Dad Defense!”

Po: “Turn you into you.”

And of course, my kids favorite:

Po: “Chitty-chitty-chat-chat, chat-chat-chat! Chit. Chat.”

My kids really enjoyed this movie too. It held my boys, ages seven and eight, attention the entire time. My five year old daughter struggled some at the end with the suspenseful battle scenes. But all in all they really enjoyed it. There was plenty of adult humor to entertain my husband and I. The theater audience laughed out loud more times than I could count.

Kung Fu Panda 3 was thoroughly entertaining. Have you seen it yet? What did you think?

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