changing the narrative

empower women

Take the dance class, say no to the drink, write the book, go to the gym, eat the salad, drink the water, wear the bikini, apply for the job, have the hard conversation…whatever makes you uncomfortable — DO IT.

If you want to to know why I write what I write, share what I share, and post what I post, this 👏🏻 is 👏🏻 why 👏🏻

I am NOT comfortable in front of the camera, I am NOT comfortable being vulnerable on the internet, I am NOT comfortable with just about anything I do!

But I do it anyway because it’s bigger than me. I do it ALL because I believe that when we women have courage, when we are empowered, and when we show up in bigger ways, that we have the power to collectively stand together and change 👏🏻 the 👏🏻world.

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