change your to-do list into a results list

What if your To Do list was a Results list?! 📝🤷🏼‍♀️
To Do lists have always been important to me. They help me stay organized and keep all my tasks where I can see them. However, I recently had my mind blown 🤯 by one of my mentors, Rachel Hollis, and she challenged me to flip the script.
What if our TO DO lists became RESULTS list?! I took her idea and dove into it a little further.
Let me explain…it has to do with our mindset. If you have a to do list of tasks with the end result to have all of your tasks finished, then all your doing in life is completing tasks.
But if you take those tasks and have them working for a bigger picture…a goal, then your creating results.
For example, say my goal is to have energy to make it through my day. In order to keep up my energy, my Results list will include 30 mins of moving my body, drinking enough water, eating a healthy clean diet, and getting enough rest. The result of these tasks = more energy.
Yes these are still tasks…BUT they are intentional tasks toward an end goal that is important to me. Results list.
When you have your To Do lists working FOR you they become less burdensome and more liberating and exciting. I’m way more likely to eat clean when I know the result will be more energy.
Or I’m more likely to fold and put away the laundry when I know my mornings will run smoother, and my goal is to not scream at my kids before school.
Start by looking at everything on your To Do list and ask yourself why are these tasks there anyway? Most likely they’re there for a bigger picture. Organize them by Results and redo your list!
Start working for YOU instead of working for your List. I’m with you! ❤️☕️

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