change is possible

change is possible

If you asked me two years ago if change was possible I would have said no.

Two years ago when I couldn’t go more than a day without a drink (or five). Two years ago when I lived off anxiety medication and ibuprofen. Two years ago when I was living full of shame and thought I was the only one struggling.

But a lot can happen in two years. Now if you ask me if change is possible, I will shout from the rooftops that it is! Not only is it possible, it’s worth it.

Change takes time, intention, and work — but if you really want it, you can have it. I hope that my story of change can help you know you are not alone in your struggles. Whatever they may be! Someone else is walking with you. Take small steps each day, get help, use your resources – and anything is possible.

The life you want is possible! I’m with you friends. You’re not alone! ❤️❤️

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