
“All right then,” I say. “Let’s go to Wonderland.”

The Collector's Society Series

The Collectors’ Society series by Heather Lyons MUST be your next read! Heather’s writing and imagination is outstandingly brilliant. I have no idea how she crafted such a creative and captivating story. I am in awe!

When I decided to attend Austin Book Fest I researched the attending authors and picked some new authors to try. Heather Lyons was one of them, and I am so thrilled that I chose to read The Collectors’ Society series. I haven’t read a lot of fantasy, but after reading this I definitely want to start reading more.

The Collectors’ Society series follows Alice Liddell, the real Alice in Wonderland, through her journey after returning home to England. When a society member approaches her with an impossible tale and a job offer, Alice moves to New York City to work for the Collectors’ Society. It is there she meets many more members of the society. You may recognize their names: Huckleberry Finn, Mary Lennox, Gwendolyn (Wendy) Peterson, Abraham Van Brunt, Victor Frankenstein, and Jack Dawkins, to name a few.

All of these book characters are real people, and the stories in which they came from are their real lives. The members of the Collectors’ Society can travel to each story timeline including Wonderland! It is so cool!

There are villians in the series attempting to destroy the book timelines, and by doing so the real characters in these stories are erased forever! Some of the villians include Patrick Sweeny Todd and Rosemary Nellie Lovett from A String of Pearls. Also the Queen of Hearts from Wonderland and some creepy Fairy Tale witches.

Alice must work with the Society members to stop these villans and save the timelines from being destroyed forever. Despite her strong will, she falls hopelessly in love with her partner Huckleberry Finn. Their love story is intense and oh so romantic!

Each of the three books takes you through a spellbounding journey of love, danger, historical literature, suspense, and perfect madness. You will travel through so many stories, including Wonderland and even Fairy Tales.

The series is not complete! The fifth and final book, The Lost Codex, is due to release July 19th, 2016, and I cannot wait!! I’ve been finished with the first four books for a week, and I am still in serious book mourning. I can’t tell you how hard it is to wait for July 19th! I literally wanted to CRY when I finished The Forgotten Mountain and realized there was another book not yet published.

Not to mention these books are just gorgeous! Take a look at each cover below, and read some of my favorite quotes. Seriously, READ THESE QUOTES. It will give you an idea of how genius Heather Lyons’ writing is and what you can expect to read in this series.

The Collector's Society

The Collectors’ Society:

“Past and future all in the present.”

“Happy,” he told me then. “Honest. Humble. Hopeful. Heartfelt. Hopelessly in love with you.”

“But let us, in this moment, focus on those who find books to be an escape or an extension of their imagination.”

“There is no such thing as coincidence,” the Caterpillar used to tell me. “Only truth.”

“Knowledge is always one of the fiercest of advantages a lady can have.”

“Love, it seems, can be drawn from a bottomless well, and for many different kinds of thirst.”

The Hidden Library

The Hidden Library:

“Ghosts are not always white-robbed specters, howling or weeping in misery. And yet, all of us are haunted by ghosts, Alice. Even you.”

“True love encourages you to live. Thank goodness for true love.”

Finn – “Our story is just getting started, and no damn author is going to write it. We will. Together. We’re going to write that book she wants.”

“In a world riddled with technology, it does my heart good to see value still placed in words and pages.”

The Forgotten Mountain

The Forgotten Mountain:

“Pain is irrelevant. Achievement of purpose is all that matters.”

“Intent is always the key. Intent makes all the difference.”

“All quests have dragons that must be slayed,” she answers equally coolly. “And magic is never free.”

“There will be blood. There will be pain and grief. Nightmares will come to life. The impossible will be asked of each of you when light seems the furthest away. If you falter, if you give in, if you allow yourself to embrace the darkness that wishes to curl within and fill the holes inside you, there will be no turning back to what once was.”

Finn – “She is my fairy tale, come to life.”

“So many who harken from difficult beginnings do not find it worth the trouble to reach for the stars.”

Encyclopedia Collector's Society

The Collectors’ Society Encyclopedia

The pages within this Encyclopedia are gorgeous! It’s a reader’s guide consisting of full descriptions of the book characters and will help you understand what books they came from. Don’t read it until you’ve finished The Forgotten Mountain.

**GUESS WHAT!!!** I am GIVING AWAY THIS FULL SET! AND they are all SIGNED! To enter this GIVEAWAY view my Instagram account @tiffanimassa to enter. I’ll be running the giveaway until April 15th, 2016.

It is so hard for me to give these gorgeous books away, but I want to give other readers a chance to own them. And Heather, I hope to see you at the next Austin Book Fest to buy the completed set for myself and get them signed. I can’t wait!!

SHOP The Collectors’ Society on Amazon HERE

SHOP The Hidden Library on Amazon HERE

SHOP The Forgotten Mountain on Amazon HERE

SHOP The Collectors’ Society Encyclopedia on Amazon HERE

Learn more about Heather Lyons at the following links:


Facebook @heatherlyonsbooks

Instagram @heatherlyonsbooks

Twitter @_heatherlyons

Like my nifty bookmark of Alice in Wonderlands’ legs? These are handmade by My Book Mark. You can shop more of her beautiful and fun designs here. Also visit her Instagram @mybookmark

Who else has read this series?? Let’s talk about it!

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