don’t forget about you this summer

It’s so easy for the summer daze ☀️to quickly take the place of self care.
I really struggled last summer with this, and ended up anxious, run down, stressed, tired, and then I made bad choices for myself. It wasn’t fun!
Being out of the structure of the school routine and thrown into lazy do-whatever-days seems like self care should be easier to maintain – but if you aren’t intentional about it — it won’t happen! You have to have a plan! Even for vacations! (Which let’s be honest, are stressful!!)
I approached summer cautiously this year – going inward some and focusing each day on self care. I’m going to bed by 11:00, waking up by 7:00 and continuing my morning work of practicing gratitude and writing down my goals. I scheduled a dance class once a week, therapy once a month, and have 2 girls trips planned. I’m making sure I keep eating the best foods for my body, and I’m adding in time to write on my blog and novel.
These things are non negotiable for me. If I don’t do them I easily get all kinds of messed up!
So while you’re enjoying your time with the kids, and planning all-the-things-they’ve-ever-wanted-to-do — don’t forget about YOU! Love you friends! ❤️