“What one does with the truth is more difficult than you think.” – Wonder Woman

Truth Quote

What does one do with the truth?

We all have truths. They rest heavy on our hearts, they burden us with weight on our chests.

What is truth?

Truth is knowing you drink too much wine. Truth is knowing you abuse your body with food. Truth is knowing your anxiety is controlling your life. Truth is knowing you are in a toxic relationship. Truth is knowing you want to be healthier. Truth is knowing you don’t feel good. Truth is knowing your bad habits need to change.

Truth is also your calling. Truth is knowing you were made for more. Truth is knowing you have a dream. Truth is knowing you can do better.

We all have truth friends, but what do we do with that truth?

Do you hide it so no one can see? Do you ignore it and hope it goes away? Do you yell at it and tell it to shut-up? Do you stuff it down deeper and deeper? Do you numb it with alcohol, work, or perfectionism?

Do you let fear and shame darken your truth so dark that no light can ever shine?

I say NO friends!

Speak your truth! Bring it out into the light. Shout it from the rooftops. Tell yourself you are not afraid of the truth!

USE YOUR TRUTH to initiate the changes in your life that you are longing to make.

Admit your truths. Write them down. Tell them to a friend. Tell them to me!

I know this is difficult. I know this takes courage – but it is the only way to shine. It’s the best way to live!

We have the power to shine. We have the power to change our lives.

And if we all shine, if we are all out in the light together, we have the power to change the world!

Listen to Wonder Woman! 🙂

Love you friends,


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