“Take her in, folks! Right here in our midst! The luckiest girl alive.”

The Luckiest Girl Alive by Jessica Knoll is one of my favorite books right now. TifAni Fanelli has the perfect life. The old money rich fiancé, New York zip code, envied career, and the perfectly practiced fashion sense. She’s slaved her whole life to go from rags to riches. Her judgmental honesty is hilarious and appeals to every girl’s secret inner bitch. But on the inside she’s terrified of being discovered as a fraud. A wannabe socialite who doesn’t really belong.
“One wrong move and everyone will see right through your tastefully tan spray tan to the trashy guidette who doesn’t know to pass the salt and pepper together.”
However, her fake persona begins to crush her from the inside.
“Sometimes I feel like a windup doll, like I have to reach behind and turn my golden key to produce a greeting, a laugh, whatever the socially acceptable reaction should be.”
This book gives you pieces of the story a chapter at a time and leaves you wanting more. You won’t be able to put it down! It had tragedy, mystery, and comedy all in one.
Jessica Knoll recently published an essay in The Lenny Letter titled What I Know. In this essay she confesses that pieces of her high school life are depicted in The Luckiest Girl Alive. I am so proud of her for coming out with the truth behind this novel, and hopefully giving other women the courage to speak up too.
“There’s no reason to cover the truth. There’s no reason I shouldn’t say what I know.” – Jessica Knoll
“What I don’t add: I know what it’s like to shut down and power through, to have no other choice than to pretend to be OK. I am a savant of survivor mode.” – Jessica Knoll
Who has read The Luckiest Girl Alive? Leave a comment below.
To read more about Jessica Knoll you can click the following links. She is on tour now! I hope to meet her and have my copy of her novel signed soon!
Website: http://www.jessicaknoll.com/
Facebook: @JessicaKnollAuthor
Twitter: @JessMKnoll
Instagram: @jessicaknollauthor
SHOP The Luckiest Girl Alive on Amazon
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