“What does Never Never mean?”

The Never Never series is a novella series co-authored by Colleen Hoover and Tarryn Fisher. The books are short reads, about 150 pages a piece. Colleen Hoover is one of my favorite authors. I am making my way through her books, and of course the Never Never series was on my list. Before reading it, I wanted to get a feel for Tarryn Fisher, so I read her new release F*uck Love, and loved it too. Read more on that book here.

Never Never follows two high school students through a journey of self re-discovery. Charlie and Silas are simultaneously wiped of all memories of their life events. The people, the places, and the situations that have occurred in their lives are all of the sudden gone. An amnesia effect. Using people around them as a guide, they slowly figure out who they are, and they don’t always like what they see.

This concept of seeing yourself from the outside, due to the amnesia, is remarkable. I can’t help but put myself in their shoes and try to imagine how it would be. The events that happen in our lives truly shape who we are, and if you can’t remember them, then you are free to be your true self.

I really enjoyed this short series. Mostly for the points of reflection. It could have easily been one book, however I believe contractual obligations were to blame because of co-authorship. I am so glad I waited until all three were released to read them. From what I hear, it was a really long cliffhanger waiting for the third release, and the built up anticipation was somewhat of a let down.

Never Never Part One:

“As far as I’m concerned, he has no power over me, and power is the primary ingredient of intimidation.” – Silas

Never Never Part Two:

“If it were possible to hear a smile, hers would be a love song.” – Silas

“I would give anything to have that memory back – to see what is was like between us when we loved each other enough to believe it was forever.” – Silas

Never Never Part Three:

“I somehow have more feelings for this girl than will fit inside of me.” – Silas

“Trust your gut. Not your heart, because it’s a people pleaser, and not your brain, because it relies too heavily on logic.” – Charlie

Colleen and Tarryn could never disappoint! Have you read this series? What did you think?

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